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Showing posts from 2017

English Lenguage challenges

What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? English lenguage is a useful tool for scientific careers and for life in general. Learning english at university has been well but it could be better. As a biochemistry student I need to learn scientific english, this one might be essential to read  papers, investigation related things and all kind of scientific stuff beyond the chilean scientific world. This last one point is very important because  sciencie is a universal lenguage and it would be understood by all the scientific community. As I'm being part of this community I need as much as possible understand all kind sources of scientific information that will show up on my career. What about the use of blogs? The use of blogs limits the learning of scientific english, because all I do is write about my life and, for my career this is the least important. Sometimes for examples I need to look for a book that is only in english version and read


Drugs of abuse. Wow. I'm not so familiar with that, but i have some family members who are. I  have two cousins drug addicts. I   I have never had experience with this type of drugs but I do know the effects that these they bring. For example   Cannabis :  The effects will vary according to the kind (cannabis sativa, cannabis indica)  and ratio of cannabis ingredients within the plant species. Their abuse may range from memory lapses, silliness, loss of motivation, paranoid thoughts, light-headedness to low hormone production. Hallucinogens,  largely obtained from cacti and fungi, impair depth perception, cause hallucinations, panic attacks, paranoia... Inhalants , such as household chemicals, eg, neoprene, are not intended for human consumption and cause light-headedness, giggling, loss of motor control... Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite—intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug.  Long-term effectt

Old and New Hobbies

I havent many hobbies, sincerely while I am in university' time,I dont do too much, to say nothing... But, when I was a child I liked music, listening to music and playing it.  I play some instruments, but the instrument that I most like to play is the piano, and this is my hobbie, or the most recurrent thing I do. It all started when iwas 9 years old my mom gave me a piano, and I learned to play it at the school in the 5th grade, with my teacher's help of course. But it was only that year, then I started to practice on my own, so almost everything I know about play the piano its of my own. Now I love to play the piano, and I do it for different things. Sometimes when I feel sad or angry I like to play a song on the piano, I feel it's like my therapy. Or sometimes my mom wants me to learn a song for her and then she sings it. Or sometimes just I like a song and I wants to play it on piano.  Sometimes I workout or saw a movie or serie in netflix, but that doesn't m

Our amazing human body

The human body is wonderful, in every sense and with all its parts. There are many parts of the body, many substances, etc. that catch my eye, but there is one specific that I find hallucinating. Hormones, specifically, insulin. Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets, and it is considered to be the main anabolic hormone of the body. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein by promoting the absorption of, especially, glucose from the blood into fat, liver and skeletal muscle cells. When glucose concentrations in the blood are high, the pancreatic β cells secrete insulin into the blood; when glucose levels are low, secretion of insulin is inhibited. The most known illness that can happen due to a low insulin is diabetes. Diabetes can happen for too more reasons, including a failure of pancreas, which leads to secrete a low amount of insulin or almost nothing. I'm so interested in this hormone because my mon has diabete

A country you would like to visit..

There are so many countries that I would like to visit, nevertheless when I think about me in a new country, I always imagine in Prague. I don’t know too much about this country, I just know about Charles Bridge, a historic bridge that crosses the Vitava River and the Prague castle. Prague I think that Prague is a WONDERFUL place to go, It has a beautiful architecture, a beautiful river, everything seems so quiet, I close my eyes, I imagine myself there and I feel so good. Have a good time, walking along those beautiful streets, enjoying the scenery and the people Egypt I don’t want to live there, I just want to stay there the enough time to tour the city and enjoy each part of it. I would like to tour the city with a couple of friends or someone special and make the city too much special. When I was a child II always told my mother to take me to Egypt because I wanted to see the pyramids close up… Today I would still like to visit them, but I like Prague muc

My bloggin experience...

Wow, my bloggins experience... Sincerely I hadn't to much expectations but at the moment to make blogs I think thst its so funny, I personally had a good time while I make it, I love write about the things that I like and express what i feel. Also I think that my development in my writing skill It's going like a plane, I feel that ai advanced a lot writing and thinking what I want to say. However, the grammar still costs me a little because there are so many things to learn and its al confuse. I love the challenge to write about and looking for some words or phrases to explain that I want to say or what I think, and this is so entertaining. I'd like to talk about the family, about the important that is to my, the support, the pride. I think is a topic to much insteresting and lovely. In the future I would like to "make blogs" be like the real blog, somewhere I can write about things what happen in my day or in my week, and also de topics importante like the w

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Well, I don’t know too much about materials, instruments and/or techniques that are important in the micro or nano world, but I’m interested in genetic modification, also called genetic engineering. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species boundaries to produce improved or novel organisms.  I study Biochemistry which is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. So genetic engineering it’s so important to my career if I want to dedicate myself to that, because I have to manipulate DNA of different things like food, etc. Thanks to Genetic engineering, science has managed to grow plants with greater tolerance to drought or protected against a virus, Increased crop resistance to disease, production of pharmaceutical compounds in animal milk, vaccine development, and alteration of livestock characteristics, Cures can be found for genetic diseases so that new generations

The most enjoyable subject...

In general, I love all subject of my career, but my favorite this year is “Mejoramiento de la expresión oral y corporal”.   This subject is a general training course; where we do a lot of exercises to release the body, improve the modulation, and the general objective is to learn to speak in front of a specific audience. I like this course because I could meet new people, the teacher is so funny and the most important is that I learn to have dominion over my body for when I have an oral presentation, and when I have to talk with someone important. I learn to have dominion of my breath in every situation of the day. Also, I love to go because this class is more practical than theoretical, and I love this. I choose this subject because I was searching for something similar to theater and something to help me to control my nervous when I have an oral presentation, and I found it, this class is indicated for that. I recommended choose this class, you will not regret it. Besi

My Favourite Book and Film

My interesting for the books started when I read Murder on “The Canadian” in the school, well I never really liked school books but that was so good then I started to read the book for my own and I discover my favorite book Proud and Prejudice. This book was written by Jane Austen, a British writer, and it first published it was in 1813. I know it’s a romantic story but the best part of this book is the time it was written.  I love the clothes, but I don’t like the thought they had, about getting married very young, having a first-born male child, In general, the strong machismo that existed. The story charts the emotional development of the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. And Mr. Darcy who learns to leave his pride behind and begin the love. In 2005 Joe Wright made the movie of this book. I saw it around 2009 but I don’t like so much, movies are never a

A photograph you like

I dont know too much about photography, but this doesn't mean that I don't like it. I love photography, I enjoy it. Sometimes with my sister's camara I take photos of everything and so many times I take good pics. This photograph was taken in the house of my best friend, in her birthday, this year. The photographer was an other school friend, he loves photography. I remember it was around 2 AM, in the middle of countryside (where my BF live), and I was so scared because I'm afraid of darkness. So my friend gave me eight seconds to do whatever I want with the light of my phone. We tried many drawings and finally I decided draw a heart, I didn't know why but I liked it.  This pic is my favourite because I was so scared in this moment but I could reflect a cute heart made of light.

The music on my life

Since I was a child the music is so important to me because when I was in second grade I learned to play guitar, it was so funny because the guitar was bigger than me. I sincerely never practiced much, but a few years ago I started to play guitar again.  How I said in another post, my favorite instrument is the piano; I play it around ten years ago. I love to play different music’s types in piano, Queen, Mon Laferte, Victor Jara, Elvin Presley, Les choristers, etc.  Sometimes I play with my family, music makes us one. Music is so interesting because it has everything, sad songs, happy songs, instruments songs, work out the song, good singers, bad singers, etc. I personally feel that music is the best therapy in the world, because when you are sad or depressed there is always some song that will brighten your day, or for example when I’m on the subway, in the morning and I'm sleepy there always a happy song that cheers me up, currently is Crazy of Beyoncé.

Your favourite piece of technology

Since I was a child I liked music, listening to music and playing it.  I play some instruments, but the instrument that I most like to play is the piano, that's why it's my favourite piece of technology. When I was 9 years old my mom gave me a piano, and I learned to play it at the school in the 5th grade, with my teacher's help of course. But it was only that year, then I started to practice on my own, so almost everything I know about play the piano its of my own. Now I love to play the piano, and I do it for different things. Sometimes when I feel sad or angry I like to play a song on the piano, I feel it's like my therapy. Or sometimes my mom wants me to learn a song for her and then she sings it. Or sometimes just I like a song and I wants to play it on piano. I think that my life without piano will be terrible, as I said before, play the piano it's like my therapy, it's where I express what I feel and I don't imagine my life without it. PS:

Why did you study your career?

When i was young like many people I wanted to be veterinarian, but i was afraid that some animal could die, so I discard my idea. Also I wanted to be a dancer, but I thought that its some much better like hobbie.  While I was getting older my ideas changed, my pleasures changed.... I stared to like biology, chemistry, and when I graduate   from high school I think that I wanted to be a scientific, investigate things, etc. So my mom talked to me and she showed me Biochemistry's career and said “Oh yes! That its for me”, and please...YOU'RE YOU OWN BOSS!.  Then  I started to study biochemistry at the University of Chile. Now, I think that was my better decision, because I have an incredible friends, and i feel comfortably  at the University environment. At the future I'd love to work in a laboratory, doing some things for a research and trying to save the world.

Getting to know each other

Hi everyone!  My name is Camila Alvarez, I'm 19 years old. I live in Maipu with my mother, my stepfather, my two cats and my four dogs.... yes, I have too many pets. But I was born in Clinical Hospital of University of Chile ( J.J. Aguirre), Independencia. I study Biochemistry at the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science Faculty of University of Chile. I chose it because I love science, and i think i can change the world with that. I don't have much hobbies but I really like dance, play the piano and the guitar. Sometimes with my parents choose a song and we play it, usually my mom sings, my stepfather play the guitar and I play the piano. It’s really funny, I love it, I love them. I've four half-sisters, all younger than me. I love spending time with them, helping them with the school, etc. I enjoy that so much because I’m a only child and I ALWAYS WANT BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Well, this is me and my special life.